10 Oct Does your HUSBAND or WIFE have a hearing problem?
Are you tired of repeating everything you say, or even worse – finding out there was “miscommunication” because your spouse only heard part of what you said? Is a blaring TV causing you discomfort or stress? Hearing loss effects many people besides the person whose ears are affected. Hearing is a major part of all social and business interactions and when one person has trouble hearing it usually means there is a breakdown in communication.
Hearing loss affects friends, family, co-workers, business associates, and everyone a person with a hearing problem comes into contact with. If you know someone who is having trouble hearing, we would like to help him or her AND YOU. Be part of the solution by encouraging them to call our office to schedule a hearing evaluation. It is simple, painless and FREE and we promise to be professional, kind and caring, just as we have been to all our clients since 1949.
At Chico Hearing Aid Center our goal is to improve lives by improving hearing. Call 888-407-1183 today to schedule an appointment.
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